Friday, October 19, 2012

Hulkest Night

End-capping years of Hulk stories, the 2013 event all Marvel fans will be talking about is Hulkest Night.  The Hulk family will never be the same again.

Gray Hulk, Green Hulk, and Red Hulk were just the beginning.  When Wong, Jarvis, and Hawkeye are struck by an irradiated space laser, they become Yellow Hulk, Hulk of the Mystic Arts; White Hulk, with a Hulk-sized superior and condescending attitude; and Purple Hulk, stringing Groot with adamantium string to craft a mighty bow only a Hulk could use.

The Spectrum of Hulks must unite to combat Black Leader.  But who is Black Leader?!  We'll spoil that secret by telling the press the day before the comic is released!

Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada had this to add, "We'd already done every conceivable thing we could to the Green Goliath, so we thought, 'Why not just keep adding colors?'  It seems to be working for Green Lantern!"

Also starring Spider-Man & Wolverine!  For no reason!

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