Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Spider-Man: Fable

Spider-Man: Fable will launch alongside next year's summer blockbuster - The Amazing Spider-Man.  With Peter now possessing web-shooters instead of organic webs, the game will focus on the completion of odd jobs around New York between battling super villains.

Stimulate the economy with such varied jobs as: photojournalist, scientist, teacher, pizza delivery, wrestler, and more!  You'll have to watch your income level closely to be sure you have enough in the bank each month to keep them from foreclosing on poor Aunt May!

Experience relationships with many of Spider-Man's and Peter's long-time love interests - Black Cat, Mary Jane Watson, Liz Allen, Betty Brant, and of course, Gwen Stacy!

Pre-order for bonus Spider-Dog companion!

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